OkMap Desktop 14.0.0 Multilingual Full Version

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Title: OkMap Desktop 14.0.0 Multilingual Full Version
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OkMap Desktop 14.0.0 Multilingual Full Version

OkMap Desktop 13.10.1 Multilingual Full Version
OkMap adalah rangkaian aplikasi kartografi (untuk Windows, iPad, iPhone) untuk kegiatan profesional di lapangan, olahraga luar ruangan, dan kesenangan Anda di alam (pencarian dan pertolongan, trekking, sepeda gunung, 4WD, geocaching dan banyak lagi).

Di dalam suite Anda dapat menemukan sistem navigasi dengan peta offline dan peta web, peta diunduh dari server peta, pembuatan peta khusus untuk digunakan dengan GPS Anda, desain jalur pada peta GPS, navigasi dengan kompas, produksi statistik lintasan dan melacak grafik dan banyak fitur lainnya.

A GPS cartographic software for Windows. Project and walk along your trails!
OkMap is an interactive software which allows you to work on your computer screen with web maps or digital maps that you have either bought or scanned. OkMap can also import vectorial data from the most common formats and DEM data relevant to height information.

Through these maps, you can organize your paths by creating waypoints, routes and tracks on your computer monitor, and upload this data to your GPS. OkMap sets automatically altitude data and estimates travel times. Furthermore OkMap provides you also with autorouting and geocoding functions. Data collected by your GPS can be downloaded on your computer, stored and displayed on the maps. They can also be used to create different types of statistics.

By connecting a GPS to your laptop, you can plot your position on maps in real-time. If you are connected to the network you can constantly send your position to a remote computer, or receive the position of your companions on your computer and display the related tracks on maps in real time. OkMap can also interface Google Maps and Google Earth. With Google Maps you can view maps and data of your interest. With Google Earth you can view your paths and your maps in 3D also.

OkMap include a feature to generate automatically compatible Garmin Custom Maps (KMZ format) and maps in OruxMaps format. This feature includes map tiling from and to different image file formats (including ECW map format). It’s possible select KML extensions 2.2 (if GPS supports them), the JPEG quality, the image resizing, the KML transparency, the draw order, and so on. You can also select the tiles to generate in output. This feature support not north oriented maps also.

Supported Languages:
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
System Requirements:
  • Windows XP or superior (64-bit)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
  • Processor 1 GHz
  • 1 GB RAM minimum (recommended 2 GB)

Such article OkMap Desktop 14.0.0 Multilingual Full Version

So this article OkMap Desktop 14.0.0 Multilingual Full Version this time, hopefully it can benefit you all. alright, see you in another article post.

You are now reading the article OkMap Desktop 14.0.0 Multilingual Full Version with the link address https://x-filedownload.blogspot.com/2018/11/okmap-desktop-1400-multilingual-full.html

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